What is Plant Breeding and Genetics for Crop...
What is Algae? Definition, Classification, Examples
What is Plant Tissue Culture & Application in...
What is Fungi? Definition, Classification, Examples
What is Life? Definition & Characteristics of Life
Origin of Life (Biopoiesis) and Origin of Universe
Transportation in Plants || Means of Transport
Example of Biofertilizers, Organic & Chemical Fertilizers
Role of Microbes in Human Welfare
Famous Scientists (Microbiologist, Molecular Biologist)
What is ATP in Biology: Structure, Phosphorylation, Function
Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration in Plants
Angiosperm Plant Families and their Floral Formula
What is Mycorrhizae? Types and Importance in Biology
What is Lichen? Component, Structure, Economic Importance
What is Transpiration in Plants?
Development of Seed and Formation of Fruit
Why Seed Dispersal is important? Agents of Seed...
Genetics and Plant Breeding
Heredity; Sex-determination and Sex-linked Inheritance; Linkage and Crossing over; Mutations and Chromosomal Aberrations; Plant Breeding; Methods of crop improvement; Quantitative inheritance (Concept, mechanism, examples. Monogenic vs polygenic Inheritance); Inbreeding depression and heterosis; Crop improvement and breeding.